Assassin's Creed Black Flag One Piece Mod


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Assassin's Creed Black Flag Mods Ship

Beginner: Nassau

Intermediate: Kingston

Expert: Ile à Vache


Your goal is to capture all of your opponent’s pieces by moving toward or away from them. When a piece is taken, all consecutive pieces behind that piece will also be captured.

Capturing moves are mandatory. If a capturing move is possible after taking pieces, a player can keep chaining moves until no further captures are possible.

If no capturing move is available, the player can move one piece to a neighboring empty slot.

It is forbidden to move a piece to the same slot twice in one turn.


The opening you choose is critical, and has long-term consequences on each game. There are four possible openings: one vertical, one horizontal, and two diagonal. Broadly speaking, the diagonal openings lead to close games, where it takes time to empty the board of its pieces. Conversely, the vertical opening weakens the second line of whoever uses it, leading to shorter games. Finally the horizontal opening is a balanced compromise.

When you capture multiple pieces in one move, this has the initial advantage of putting you in the lead, but it creates open spaces that your opponent might be able to use to counterattack.

Sometimes it makes more sense to capture fewer pieces, but move your own piece to a safe position (inside a diamond rather than on a cross), or to a position where it blocks your opponent’s potential moves.

When you reach the end of a game, try to move your remaining pieces towards the center of the board. In the center, you have far more tactical options than on a border or, worse, in a corner.

To win a game, it can be useful to sacrifice one of your own pieces to force your opponent’s pieces towards the outer edge of the board (via an “away” capture), enabling you to corner them.

Six/Nine/Twelve Men’s Morris


Beginner: Crooked Island, Arroyos

Intermediate: Andreas Island, Salt Key Bank, Corozal

Expert: Kingston


Your goal is to leave the opponent with less than three pieces or block all possible moves.

Form “mills” to capture enemy pieces. A mill is formed when three of your pieces are placed in a straight line. Forming a mill enables you to take an enemy piece of your choice that is not already part of a mill.

In the Placement Phase, players place their pieces one after the other in any empty slot on the board. During the Movement Phase, players take turn moving their pieces to a neighboring empty slot. When a player is left with only three pieces (Flying Phase), he or she can move them to any empty slot on the board.


Try to put your pieces on intersections, as this is where you will have the most tactical options.

Once you have secured an intersection, work your way towards opening two possible mills at the same time. Your opponent will only be able to block one, enabling you to create the mill in the other position.



Beginner: Havana

Intermediate: Great Inagua Hideout (tavern renovated)

Expert: Grand Cayman


Your goal is to capture all of your opponent’s pieces or block all his possible moves. You can capture opposing pieces by jumping over them into an empty space.

Pieces can only move diagonally on black squares, in the direction of the opponent’s side of the board. Capturing moves are mandatory. If a capturing move is possible after taking an opposing piece, the player must keep chaining moves until no further captures are possible. A piece that reaches the line furthest from the player becomes a king. A king can move diagonally forward and backward, making it an extremely powerful piece.


A key checkers technique is understanding that you can force your opponent to perform certain moves by sacrificing your own pieces, as capturing moves are mandatory. Though this can seemingly put you at a disadvantage, forward planning and manipulation of your opponent can enable you to control a game.

Pieces on the edge and corners of the board have a very limited range of possible movements. In most cases, it is therefore better to occupy squares in a more central position, and to try to trap your opponent on the outside of the board.

Never be afraid to sacrifice your pieces. All that matters is that you end up in a stronger position later in the game. For instance, sacrificing two pieces to have a chance to capture one, but obtain a king, is worthwhile in most instances, as a one-piece deficit is easily overcome by the tactical opportunities offered by a king.

© 2007–2014 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Assassin’s Creed, Black Flag, Uplay, the Uplay logo,, Ubisoft, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. “PlayStation” and the “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. Nintendo trademarks and copyrights are properties of Nintendo. Software platform logo (TM and ©) EMA 2006.

The Good: Large, beautifully detailed world. Good voice work. Many enemy types.
The Bad: Nice graphics, but not ‘need a new video card’ nice. Sailing a long ship not as exciting as a galley.
The Ugly: Surprisingly easy to stumble through quest events out of order. Raid AI a little dicey.

So we’re sitting around the home offices of the venerable GO network (which occupy the entire E-ring of the Pentagon – long story) trying to choose who should review the new AC title. We decide to tally up how many games in the series each reviewer has played, and let the most experienced reviewer have it. Not that I’m an AC connoisseur, but I’ve got six under my belt (I, II, II, IV – Black Flag, Rogue, and Syndicate), plus I saw the movie, for whatever that is worth, and that turns out to be enough to win me the key. Surely, I think, with those six I’ve played most of the games in the series. Nope, not even close – Wikipedia tells me there are 23 AC titles (and this is my 23rd anniversary of marriage to my wife, plus Biden won 23 states – there are no coincidences). 23! I also learn that Syndicate was back in 2015, so not only have I only played about ¼ of them, but I haven’t played one in five years.

So how does my first AC in five years feel? At first, I couldn’t run it, so I guess frustrating is how it feels. I’ve been kicking along on a pair of X290s in crossfire configuration (4Gb VRAM) for 5 or 6 years now. I can run Red Dead Redemption 2 at 2560×1440 60Hz without difficulty. Ditto Jedi Fallen Order. Ditto Rage 2. The X290s run hot and burn Watts, but they’ve done the job for me, until AC-V that is. So, dedicated GO employee that I am, I upgrade. I buy a 5600XT (6Gb), which installs easy, runs cooler, and saves me something like 400W off my power load. This isn’t an AMD review, but it’s a good card and cost me around $200, plus came with a free copy of Godfall through Newegg – I recommend it.

Assassin's Creed Black Flag Pc Mods

So, that small wrinkle aside, once I got it running, I’d have to say I found AC-V shockingly familiar. I’m a Viking this time around. Norway is snowy and craggy, majestic mountains and aurora borealis – it looks beautiful. I think not quite as good as RDR2, but that’s probably largely in the eye of the beholder, plus sour grapes over needing a new video card to run it. Surely no one is going to be complaining about how AC-V looks. But right off the bat, the core gameplay of AC doesn’t seem to have changed appreciably in five years. I’m still very hiding in bushes, sneak-up-and-stabby, climb onto a high thing to sync the Animus. Even working on old memories, easily a hundred games between here and my last AC review, I could tell this is an AC title blindfolded. I spend the first ten or so hours kicking around Norway, collecting wealth, raiding villages of enemy tribes, taking vengeance on the guy who killed my parents. I kill a polar bear. One of the big high points that I recall from Black Flag is ship combat, and that’s not present anymore. Rowing around in a long ship between islands wiping out minor outposts just isn’t as exciting. By hour ten, I’ll confess I’m pretty bored. I could write my review now, I think, and then I set off for England.

England is where the game opens up, and I wish they had put in some mechanism to push me out of Norway more quickly, because (keeping mind that I’ve missed the last 10 or so AC games) there’s lots of new stuff to do in England. I have a settlement where I construct new buildings which give me access to new quests and bonuses like mounts and a blacksmith to upgrade my weapons. I can forge alliances with nearby Viking villages. I can experiment with dual wielding weapons or use a two-handed weapon, or wield a weapon and shield to fit my combat style. I can discover new weapons, magic runes, armor, and trade goods. I am initiated into the brotherhood of assassins and learn of their mission to take out key people in the syndicate power structure. In a system similar to the Shadow of War nemesis gameplay, I need to locate these people and assassinate them. England has small outposts, and grand castles, and monasteries laden with gold and other valuables. There are many different enemy grunts, from simple soldiers and archers to knights and standard bearers. They have different attack patterns, some of them pretty tricky, and combat in groups is exhilarating. Combat is slick and for the most part fluid, but can get tangled up against walls and scenery items which can lead to stupid moves like climbing a wall instead of attacking. Also, group combat sometimes doesn’t work that well because your fellow Vikings are content to stand around while the battle rages nearby. When you raid an outpost, you and the enemy kind of square off in little fight clusters, and if you jump in and kill an enemy, the Vikings you have just freed up stand around instead of jumping into fresh combat. Sometimes you’ll find groups celebrating the victory while there are still enemies to kill. That could use some work. I would furthermore add that in comparison to the other AC games I’ve played, this version seems less into sneaky kills and more into open combat, but that could just be my memory.

I think if I have one big complaint, and I do, it’s that, despite the world being really big, related quest activities seem to be more closely located, so you can stumble into them out of order. For example, in my wanderings, I came across a really big fort. I seemed to have kind of found the back door – most of the defenses were pointed the other way – and I spent easily an hour stealthing my way through, killing every living thing inside the castle. I come out the far side, and find just a little ways down the road a mission to raid this castle. So I turn around with the group, and run back into the castle again (which is magically repopulated) this time with all of the defenses pointed the right way. Another time, I was out on a raid, saw another small outpost just across a river, and rather then hold another raid, just swam across the river and dealt with them myself. Later, rowing by in my boat, I saw this outpost along the river and decided to raid it – turns out it was the same one I had raided solo earlier (I could tell from the buildings and layout of the defenders, which were back where they had been, very much not in the dead state I had left them in my earlier raid). Later still, I ended up with a mission, one piece of which was raiding this particular output, so I get a third run through. Each time I raided the outpost, the enemies were reincarnated, but the gold caches were not. Is it empty now? I don’t know, I don’t intend to go back. Overall this plays to the persistence of your actions, and the feeling that I’m really making a dent in the world. I’m not getting it. Here’s a metaphor: You can set fire to buildings, but eventually they just go out, blackened but otherwise undamaged.

There’s goofiness – it wouldn’t be an AC game without it. You can hold what are called flytes (I think that’s how they spell it), which are kind of like Viking rap battles. There’s a dice game whose name escapes me. When you row around in your long ship, your crew tries to entertain you with songs and stories, many of which are groan-inducing. There are, the game calls them mysteries, but for the most part they’re minor problems that are for some reason falls to you to solve. Two brothers fighting over the barley in a silo, my solution (as near as I can tell the only solution) is to burn the silo down. A field overrun with rats – burn it up. Fire seems to be the go-to solution to a lot of Viking problems.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has new stuff, at least to me, but keep in mind that I missed Origins and Odyssey and a slew of other titles. Still, it’s another AC game, at the core a lot like other AC games. If you’ve played the other 22 titles, and somehow (I can’t imagine how) want more, have at it. If, like me, you’ve missed more titles than you thought humanly possible, it’s not a bad place to jump back in. I’ve been enjoying myself. What more could you want out of a game?


Reviewed By: Phil Soletsky
Publisher: Ubisoft
Rating: 90%

Assassin's Creed Black Flag Free

This review is based on a digital copy of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla for the PC provided by Ubisoft.