Clion Platformio Serial Monitor

Clion Platformio Serial MonitorSerial

During the recent Q&A session on Reddit, we got a surprising number of questions about our plans for Meson support. Today we are going to show you how you can already use Meson-based projects in CLion. For this we will use compilation database support in CLion.Meson is a relatively new build system that strives to be fast yet simple to use. It converts build scripts written in a Python-like language into one of the backend build systems: Ninja (the default and recommended one), Visual Studio, or Xcode. Recently Meson has started to gain popularity among C++ developers. CLion currently doe

The current arduino development workflow in CLion with serial monitor looks like: 1. Make code changes 2. Upload firmware 3. Connect serial monitor 5. Test stuff you wrote 6. Disconnect serial monitor. Go to 1 The 3rd and 6th items are very annoying but necessary because serial monitor and firmware upload tool (avrdude) cannot use the port simultaneously (can they?). To start serial monitor: In CLion main window bottom left, click serial monitor tab (in 'the tool buttons') Click the wrench icon to set up port and baud rate. On the top of the wrench. Than upload code to Arduino. Click on Serial Monitor on the bottom of window setup port and push button upper option button in Serial Monitor window. I you done everything correctly you will see “Hi” message every 2 seconds and blink LED on arduino. This is the code just make LED blink and write to serial monitor Hi. On the top right corner.

The current arduino development workflow in CLion with serial monitor looks like:

Clion platformio serial monitor keyboardClion
  1. Make code changes
  2. Upload firmware
  3. Connect serial monitor
  4. Test stuff you wrote
  5. Disconnect serial monitor.
  6. Go to 1

The 3rd and 6th items are very annoying but necessary because serial monitor and firmware upload tool (avrdude) cannot use the port simultaneously (can they?). It would be good if those steps could be done automatically. However I'm not sure if it's can be done solely in serial monitor, probably it requires cooperation between serial monitor, CLion and platformio developers.

Clion Platformio Serial Monitor Calibration

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