Crossfit Endurance 12 Week Program Pdf

  1. Crossfit Endurance Workout Programs
  2. 4 Week Strength Program For Crossfit Pdf
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Typically in Crossfit Endurance we have triathletes work up to a weekly schedule that includes the following: 4 days of Crossfit training, 3 strength-training days and 2 days each of sport-specific training for swimming, biking and running.

Crossfit endurance 6 week plan

Mix and match three to four of the following eight crossfit exercises once a week to boost your strength and endurance. Discover the CrossFit Endurance training sessions to add to your training diary. Week 3 Phase 1: Week 3 Crossfit Plan This is the highest volume week until we switch programming next week to a different hypertrophy method. 12 Week Program Pdf You will also notice that many of the WODs are a bit longer this week than the previous weeks. 12 Week Functional Endurance Program (Week 1) This week is our testing week where we will determine your current levels of strength and endurance. On the endurance side of the house, we will be testing your 1 mile run time, and your 5k time. I chose these two as they are easy to test, and they translate into running performance at any distance.

  • The Training Day 'Engine Builder' program is a 12-week program intended to improve your aerobic capacity by focusing on the three main monostructural metabolic conditioning exercises found in CrossFit: running, rowing & biking.
  • (Last Updated On: October 26, 2020) This 12-week hypertrophy cycle is designed to set the foundation for muscle hypertrophy (growth). You will be allocating four days a week to hypertrophy training, with an optional fifth day to work on areas of the body that need a little extra or to make up the exercises that you missed during the week due to time constraints.

The following program is scaled down to more of a starter program. Each week will include the following: 3 days of strength, 3 days of Crossfit and 3 days of sport-specific training.

Runners, Cyclists & Swimmers

This is also a starter schedule. Ideally my athletes will work up toward an additional 1 to 3 more days of Crossfit workouts per week. This is where we see the greatest gains in performance.

Technique is critical to all the exercises listed! I highly recommend finding a Crossfit gym ( and/or Crossfit Endurance program ( and look into coaching and classes to help you nail down technique and midline stability. Technique and sound fundamentals are key to preventing injury and gaining all the performance potential out of the Crossfit Endurance program.


1. 8 x 200m with 2 min rest = 8 rounds of 200m repeats with 2 minutes rest between each 200m. The repeats are to be held as tightly as possible, meaning as little deviation as possible or on the prescribed times.
2. TT = Time Trial
3. 85% = 85% effort/time of distance asked. So if it is a 5K and your best time is 20 minutes, 85% of that effort would be 23 min (20 x .15 = 23, .15 being 15% of 100 or 85%). Coming as close to 23 min would be the goal.

1. < 10 min WOD = less than 10 minute Workout of the Day
2. > 10 min WOD = greater than 10 min Workout of the Day
3. M = mono-structural metabolic conditioning or “cardio”
4. G = gymnastics, bodyweight exercises
5. W = weightlifting, powerlifting and Olympic lifts

1. ME: Max Effort, from warm up to 2-3 rep max effort should take between 10-15 sets total
2. DE: Dynamic Effort, after warm up reaching 50-60% of Max Effort weight, 1-3 reps at desired weight on specific recovery or time basis. Effort is to remain under .75 second for contraction phase. If you cannot maintain speed of the bar, weight should drop until proper speed is achieved or workout is over.

How CrossFit Works
There are 3 buckets of CrossFit content as listed below. Mix these in as many different ways as possible. Keeping in mind that routine is the enemy, and if you are following this program you will need to keep in mind that if there are two ME days for strength then there will be < 10 min WODs that are M/W specific.

  1. Metabolic Conditioning (M)
    1. Running
    2. Bike
    3. Row
    4. Jump
  1. Gymnastics (G)
    1. Bodyweight Movements(become proficient here before lifting weights!)
      1. Air Squat
      2. Pull-up
      3. Push-up
      4. Dip
      5. Handstand Push-up
      6. Rope Climb
      7. Muscle-Up
      8. Press to Handstand
      9. Back Extension
      10. Sit-up
      11. Jumps
      12. Lunge
  1. Weightlifting (W)
    1. Deadlifts
    2. Cleans
    3. Presses
    4. Snatch
    5. Clean and Jerk
    6. Kettlebell Swing
    7. Stones
    8. Tire Flips


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12 week crossfit endurance programEndurance

Crossfit Endurance Workout Programs

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4 Week Strength Program For Crossfit Pdf

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