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Known in the early days of the internet as “software robots”, bots are software applications that perform automated tasks.The internetas we know it today has been shaped by bots.

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Good bots vs. bad bots

Web crawlersor spiders browse web pages and index content so that search engines can provide relevant results for our searches. Chatbots are programmed to interact with us in real-time toprovide information.Game bots act as players in multi-player online games to make it more entertaining. Some bots even get creative and write poetry or compose music. But there are also bad bots, and, unfortunately, the number of bad bots is growing.

In 2019, bad bots accounted for 24.1% of all internet traffic, according toImperva’s Bad Bot Report. Bad bots spread spam messages and malware, steal login credentials and sensitive data, conduct denial-of-service attacks, and disseminatedisinformationon social media, among others.The bad social bots that infiltrate social networks have been raising concerns in the past years as they became involved in social and political discussions.

Social mediabots: threats and challenges

Bad social media botsare used to create fake profiles on social media and generate likes and followers. But they become truly dangerous when they mimic the behavior of real users and actively engage in public discourse. The prime example of the danger posed by such bots is the 2016 U.S. presidential election. In the aftermath of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, more social media users became aware of how politically partisan groups can use social media to spread disinformation and fake news. Bots played a major role in the spread of disinformation.Twitter identified 2,752 bot accounts linked to theRussian Internet Research Agency, one of the main players in the 2016 disinformation campaign, plus 36K Russian bots, according to a report by Talos Intelligence.

Statistics provided byTheNextWeb reveal that Facebook deactivated 694 million fake accounts in 2017, and the number increased over the years, with more than 1 billion fake accounts being shut down each year.Behind fake accounts lie people with malicious intent or social bots programmed. It is estimated that 5% of all monthly active accounts are fake.

There is a growing concern surrounding social media, especially in the wake of the upcoming U.S. elections. A survey conducted by Avira and Opinion Mattersfound that only 24% of Americans believe the 2020 elections will be “free and fair”, with 50% seeing misinformation on social media as the main interference in upcoming elections.

While tech platforms are developing machine learning models to identify fake accounts and enforcing stricter rules on posting content related to social and political issues, there are also steps you can take to protect yourself from bad social bots.

Tips for spotting a bot on social media

Profile information

The profile picture is one of the first things that people notice on social media. Not having a profile picture – or having a generic one depicting a landscape or a cute puppy is seen as suspicious. The same goes for account names that use numbers instead of names and the absence of location data. However, these are not clear signs that an account is fake. It might belong to a person concerned about personal privacy and avoids using personalphotos or prefers the shield of anonymity on social media. Twitter points out thatit’s important to look at “theholistic behavior of an account, not just whether it’s automated or not.”To figure out whether you are dealing with a bad bot, you need to go beyond the first impression and look in detail at the activity of the account, its network, and content.


Bots usuallypost very frequently throughout the day. Their daily activity is more intense than that of an average social media user. However, oftentimes, the posts are not original: bots are created to amplify the messages that their creators want to disseminate, so they will like and share a lot of posts without expressing an opinion on the content. Their job is to spread the message as quickly as possible and get it trending.

On Twitter, botsoften use manyhashtags in their posts to get the hashtags trending. Using a lot of hashtags, sometimes not related to the content of the post, is a sign that the post might belong to a bot. Watch out for hashtags used in a spammy manner and check whether the hashtags are usedby other accounts that you know and trust.

The pattern of activity is also an important indicator of the account’s authenticity. If an account is active on specific days or constantly posts at the same time, it’sprobably automated. Not all automated accounts are bad, of course. But if the activity is related to topics that cause dissent and the account has activity only during specific periods – for example, during the election season – it is a sign that its posts need to be carefully considered.


Bots created with the purpose of artificially amplifying a post or tweet are oftentimes part of a network– a so-called botnet. They are programmed to act in a similar way and follow the same topics and hashtags. You can check the number of followers/friendsand whether the accounts in the network seem real.For example, ageneric Facebook profile created not long ago, which is following thousands of people but has only a few hundred followers,is suspicious to say the least.

You should also be careful with friend requests on Facebook. Bots try to befriend people to grow their network. If you don’t know the person, you have no friends in common, and the friend request does not include any personalized message,it’sbest to decline the friend request.

Content quality

There are several signs that an account represents a bad bot. The content might be inflammatory,aggressive, or misleading. For data and statistics, the sources might be missing or refer to other posts that belong to suspicious accounts. If there are links to online news sources, you should also check the authenticity of those sources. Last but not least, if the writingstyle doesn’t sound natural, this might indicate that the content of the post has been automatically generated.


Identifyingbad bots can be tricky, and many aspects need to be considered. Not all automated accounts are bad, and it’s up to us to figure out which bots are harmful and develop a critical approach to social media content. You might also be interested in reading our tips for identifying misinformation on social media.

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Ads are the cornerstone of the digital economy. That’s why blocking them becomes more difficult each year. And, sadly, ad blockers cannot eliminate all ads that keep popping up on your screen. In this article, we’ll teach you a few methods of reducing web pop-ups, and we’ll take a look at some of the best Mac ad blocking options.

Yes, Macs might be safer from viruses and malware, but not from ads, adware, pop-ups, and cookies that help advertisers retarget ads at you wherever you go. Digital adverts are everywhere. The more time you spend online, the more you will see, even embedded in apps and Facebook messenger.

But first, a more effective way how to remove ads on Mac is to clear out potential web pop-ups that continue to direct ads to your Mac. What this usually means is you are infected with malware. Some signs of this include:

  • More pop-ups and ads than you would normally expect when browsing the web;
  • Suddenly getting redirected away from a page you were visiting;
  • ‘Recommended updates’ and other indicators that you need a certain piece of seemingly legitimate software.

Why remove ads?

Blocking ads don't just improve your browsing experience. It could also prevent malware and other viruses from gaining a foothold in your Mac. Cybercriminals are getting smarter. They need to find clever ways to steal data, find your payment details, passwords, and sell or make use of this online.

It is worth installing anti-virus to add another layer of protection to your Mac. Adware scripts (that you may not be aware of) drain your browser memory. This renders even a new Mac unbearably slow. The good news is Mac anti-viruses are too getting smarter these days.

For example, CleanMyMac X by MacPaw has found a niche in removing macOS-specific viruses. Its anti-virus database lists a few hundreds of latest adware infections.

Now, onto the issue of finding the most suitable solutions for blocking ads.

How to remove ads on Mac?

  1. Block ads in Safari

Safari users have huge control over pop-ups in this browser. Safari lets you manage the list of websites allowed to show pop-ups and then blocks pop-up windows on those particular sites. To set these restrictions, go to Safari Preferences, choose the Websites tab, and block pop-ups on the currently open websites.

Safari does all it can to prevent pop-ups and any fraudulent website warnings. These are ads that use phishing techniques to make you think you need to download something from Apple or other legitimate software companies. We will outline ways to remove these nasty pieces of software further down this article.

Another way to remove pop-ups in Safari is to check Extensions. You should find this menu option in the same place and should have the same option to remove any browser extensions that you don't want or need. You should recognize every extension because at one point you would have had to agree to download and install (Safari doesn't let it happen any other way); malware and other viruses hide in other places across your Mac, so they are unlikely to appear with other browser extensions.

When you are browsing the web, and a pop-up appears, Apple recommends going to a new browser tab and closing the original. Interacting with a pop-up could cause you to click through to it or accidentally download malicious software. Many pop-ups are legitimate adverts; however, some are there to trick people, with ‘close’ buttons that send web visitors through to the link, with some of them ending up in a rough neighborhood of the web.

Destroying hidden adware extensions

Some extensions behave more covertly than that. There are entities called launch agents that play a supporting role for other apps on your Mac. And after you’ve deleted the main app, its launch agent could still be bombarding you with notifications.
To find such hidden extensions on your Mac you may use a free version of CleanMyMac X.

  1. Install the CleanMyMac X (this tool is notarized by Apple)
  2. Open the tab called “Extensions”
  3. Find all suspicious items and click Disable

Look through the tabs under Internet Plugins and Preference Panes. Be vigilant: adware may have perfectly innocent names.

Common adware extensions

Some of the most common include VSearch, Conduit, Genieo, GoPhoto, Jollywallet, Savekeep, MacShop, Yontoo, Shopper Helper Pro, Slick Savings, PallMall, and Awesome Screenshot. These malicious pieces of tech are bundled into other seemingly legitimate downloads or email attachments, even social media images, and videos, and once you've clicked accept, most anti-virus programs believe they're approved by the Mac user.

2. How to remove ads from Google Chrome

Always make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of Chrome. Security updates prevent some of the latest viruses and cyber threats, making it always worthwhile to click 'yes' to an update.

To manage pop-ups in Chrome, enter chrome://settings into the browser address bar and then go to 'Privacy and security.' Here, click 'Site settings.' Make sure the 'Pop-ups and redirects' are blocked.

Now, let's check your extensions and make sure there are no adware-related ones.

  1. Launch the Chrome browser.
  2. Enter this line into the address bar: chrome://extensions
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If you find any extension you either don't need or don't recognize, click the Remove button.

Now, we'll reset settings to refresh your Chrome

  • Click Chrome > Preferences... (in the top menu).
  • Click on Advanced > Reset settings.

Now everything that was causing pop-ups and unwanted ads to appear, including software that uses phishing tactics and browser extensions that are a cover for malware, should be removed.

3. Block ads in Firefox

Make sure you are using the latest version of Firefox. Preventing the latest cyber threats is one of the main reasons software companies insist on so many updates.

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To make sure pop-ups are disabled in Firefox, enter about:preferences in the browser address bar. Then, go to Privacy&Security. Here, check the box next to 'Block pop-up windows.'

To check for malicious extensions in Firefox, you can follow this set of steps:

  1. Launch Firefox.

  2. Go to the Apple menu bar, click Tools.

  3. Tools > Add-ons.

  4. This takes you to the Add-ons manager page. In the left-hand side pane, you will find Extensions. If you find anything suspicious or that you don't need anymore, click Remove. You can also find these same options within the latest version of Firefox, within a series of menu options in the top right hand of your browser, below the tabs.

  5. To reset Firefox, go to Help and select Troubleshooting Information.

  6. On this page, you will find Reset Firefox to its default state. Click Reset Firefox.

With that done, all add-ons and extensions will be automatically removed, which should remove a lot of the problems caused by unwanted ads and pop-ups.

Remove adware with CleanMyMac

So far we've been using the built-in security tools of your browser. But to fully eliminate ads, you'll likely need a dedicated ad cleaner. Most ad blockers block ad offers proactively and this is fine. But to deal with adware infections, you will need to somehow detect their existing presence on your Mac.
CleanMyMac X is a tool that has been recently notarized by Apple. You can use it in 3 ways:

  • To delete browser extensions (including the hidden ones)
  • Uninstall apps that could contain ads
  • Detect malware and viruses

According to 'Objective by the Sea' (a security conference), 20% of Macs contain PUPs or potentially unwanted applications. This type of malware is exactly what CleanMyMac X detects. It also checks for hidden cryptocurrency miners, spyware, and worms that are also found on Macs.

  1. Launch CleanMyMac X.
  2. Choose Malware Removal in the sidebar.

While you are in CleanMyMac X, choose Uninstaller in the sidebar. It will dig out all software that is installed on your Mac. This includes normally hidden and unused apps.

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You may also want to download ad-blocking software, so here are a few that are recommended.

Use third-party Ad blockers


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1. AdBlock Plus (ABP) is a popular option to block ads in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. It comes with custom filters, including a “non-intrusive advertising” whitelist, so you can keep helping media and websites you like while not seeing ads and pop-ups you don’t.

2. AdBlock - not related to ABP - has Safari, Chrome, and Opera options. Ads are blocked from known adservers and you can add others to your blacklist while maintaining a whitelist, similar to ABP.

3. AdBlocker Ultimate comes with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and is proud to have taken no money from media companies and blocks everything it possibly can. AdBlocker Ultimate also blocks known malware, adware, and tracking domains.

There are, of course, dozens of more options for how to remove ads on Mac. Safe to say, your browser should be an ad, pop-up, and malware-free if you take the steps outlined in this article.

Frequently asked questions

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How to find out what app is causing pop-ups?

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It’s not often apparent what app is showing pop-ups on your Mac. The best way to detect malicious app or program is to scan your Mac with antivirus software. You can run a malware scan with CleanMyMac X. It identifies the malicious agents and offers immediate removal.

How to get rid of Google ads?

Google ads are usually displayed on various websites, and unfortunately, you can’t completely close or control them manually. You could use some of the ad blockers we listed above. They block all pop-ups and banners that appear on most websites.

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